
Electrical Embedded Networks

What is an embedded network?
An embedded network can be established in properties that contain multiple tenancies. A “Gate” meter is installed between the incoming electricity supply from the street and the main distribution board for the site to record all incoming electricity to the building. b.energy then purchase electricity at the “Gate” meter at a discounted rate due to the volume being purchased and on-sell the energy to the owners corporation and tenants at a significantly discounted rate. Embedded Networks also provide a platform for shared solar and storage solutions.

What are the benefits of an embedded network?
There are considerable benefits to owners, managers and tenants in the form of cheaper electricity, easier management of electricity issues, greater flexibility in electricity relationships and opportunities to further reduce costs by introducing energy saving measures. Embedded networks can also minimise the impact of any future electricity price increases by offering the best available rates.

Concessions may be available to b.energy customers holding an eligible Healthcare, Pension or any other concession card that is issued by the Department of Health & Human Services.

For residents in Victoria, to claim your concession, you will need to submit a Non-Mains Energy Concession Form to the Department of Health and Human Services. This form is obtained via Services: DHHS

For residents in South Australia, you will need to submit a Non-Mains Energy Concession Form to the Department of Human Services. This form is obtained from the Department of Communities and Social Inclusions via Concessions – SA

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